Monday, February 28, 2011

Menopause meets Puberty and other scary stories...

My home has never been a calm and peaceful one, but it has also never been quite the emotional roller coaster it is right now. My youngest, and up to now, sweetest little girl is 12. I, her esteemed and used-to-be patient mother, have hit the dramatic ebb and flow of teendom and menopausedom. We rock and roll to the tune of tears, fears and leers. We love each other madly and we are almost certainly the two most difficult women to live with right now. God help the two men in our lives (my partner and her brother, my son). They have taken to drinking and watching a lot of sports then running to their respective corners to hide.
Who can blame them?
Since her birth, I have known that this day would come. I just had no idea how trying it would really be. I am constantly feeling exhausted, sad, questioned, disrespected, criticized and all-around trod upon. She, in-turn, feels like she can do no right, unappreciated and deliriously grateful and happy.
It's a barrel of laughs.
Luckily I still adore/tolerate the sweet young lady and she loves me, hates me, loves me, hates me, loves me...I have lost track.
I keep telling myself the famous last words:
This too shall pass!!!

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